International Shark and Species Conservation Organization
Respect, Love, Save — Sharks
Our ultimate goal and vision: intact shark populations worldwide
We want to achieve our vision through three missions: Protection, Education and Cooperation
In our mission statement we have set out our vision, mission, values and code of conduct. Under the three missions, we describe our activities, which we all carry out on a voluntary basis with a lot of commitment and passion for the protection of sharks.
Sharkproject is actively represented in many countries through ambassadors in Angola, Mexico, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Europe is represented by the three country associations Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Sharkproject International as an umbrella organization is made up of the country representatives, members, as well as Staff International Cooperation and the Presidium.
All projects and campaigns are coordinated and decided upon by the international board of directors, so that a worldwide, uniform appearance is guaranteed. We are one Sharkproject.
International Cooperation as a staff networks with other organizations and governments and represents Sharkproject at congresses such as IUCN. We work with many partners to give weight to campaigns and projects. Because the more numerous we are, the stronger we are in shark conservation!
We can't do all this without you, either! No matter in which way you support or will support us, we thank you for your trust in our work.
Promote scientific research, projects and initiatives that support the conservation of sharks and its habitat, financially, organisationally and ideally.
We inform and train, educate about the importance of sharks, give recommendations for action and rules of conduct.
We initiate and implement measures with other NGOs to protect the shark and its habitat.