Thomas Gahr


Board Member International, Operations & Education International, Int. Cooperation

Skills and Experience

  • I would describe myself as multi-talented and extremely flexible. That's why I get involved wherever I'm needed. In the International Cooperation team, I mainly work on Stop Deep Sea Mining, Stop Funding Overfishing, create posts, write articles and much more.

  • Photography and film are my passions. That's why I almost always have my camera with me and have built up some skills in image editing and video editing over the years. This makes me more the creative part of the International Cooperation team, taking care of photos, graphics, films, social media posts, etc.
    media posts etc.

  • I have been a diver for several years and am always excited to go diving and see sharks. Together with my partner, we take every opportunity to combine diving with charity and help where we can, for example at coral nurseries.

Why I advocate for shark conservation

Considering that the ocean is an indispensable part of the global ecosystem, provides the livelihood for billions of people, supplies us with oxygen, and is a crucial ally in the fight against climate change, it becomes clear: we have no choice but to protect this vital space. Our future is inextricably linked to the future of the ocean—and therefore also to the future of sharks. As a keystone species, they play a central role in the ecological balance of the seas.

My favorite quote

Even the smallest can change the course of fate.

— J.R.R. Tolkien

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