Great success for SHARKPROJECT.

A year and a half after the parliamentary decision, the import ban on shark products is now coming into force.

  • Import ban on all shark products including fins, meat and skin
  • The end for questionable cosmetics, sexual enhancers, shark fin soup and shark steaks in Austria is thus sealed
  • Pioneering role for the whole of Europe

SHARKPROJECT is celebrating one of the greatest successes in our organisation’s history: the tireless efforts of Gabriela Futterknecht, representing SHARKPROJECT Austria, led to a unanimous parliamentary decision to ban the import of shark products at the end of 2022. Now the regulation is finally coming into force.

Austria as a role model

What has been a long time coming has now come to a happy conclusion. We reported back in December 2022 about the press conference at the Museum of Natural History and the unanimous motion for a resolution in the Austrian Parliament. However, as it takes a lot of time to formulate new regulations with legal force, the case was very quiet for the time being.

However, Gabriela Futterknecht from SHARKPROJECT Austria always stayed in touch with Lukas Hammer, the member of the National Council who tabled the motion in parliament at her request. On 22 April 2024, the time had finally come: the Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility and Innovation’s New Species Protection Ordinance (only available in German) came into force.

Sharks are now just as strictly protected in Austria as other endangered species. Not only the import and processing of shark meat, but also the import of shark bites and similar holiday souvenirs is now a punishable offence. Offences against the species protection regulations can be punished with fines of up to 40,000 euros and prison sentences of up to two years.

While the consumption of shark products is probably ‘a problem of the countries that border the sea’ in the minds of most citizens, very few people realise that Austrian imports of shark products were previously in fifth (!) place in Europe. This means that the import ban not only sets a great example for other (European) countries, but also has a direct and tangible impact due to the loss of volumes.

Huge media response

© Adi Huber, Tiroler Tageszeitung

The new Austrian regulation went like a wave through the German-speaking media landscape. Our own press release was taken over directly by the OTS. Lukas Hammer, a member of the National Council, also published his own OTS report. Numerous well-known newspapers and online news services then reported on this ground-breaking innovation (please note that the articles are only available in German):

© Barbara Aschauer, Teletext

your contact person Barbara Aschauer

If you have any questions or comments about this blog post, please feel free to contact Barbara from SHARKPROJECT directly.

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