Two elementary schools and a hairdresser

28. June, 2023

School lectures in grand style

Currently, our Austrian school presenters match the number of classes visited at once. After the great start of our newly appointed school officer Adi Huber, his colleagues Barbara Aschauer and Gabi Wimmer now visited the elementary school community Gföhl-Lichtenau with a total of 14 classes.

  • Tyrol vs. Lower Austria
  • lecture tour through primary schools
  • numerous enthusiastic children

Large lectures are now the order of the day in Austria

When elementary school principal Margot Stastny-Braun heard about our presentations, she was immediately hooked. She was eager to distribute the shark knowledge to all the children of both schools she heads in Gföhl and Lichtenau. As a water-focused school, this is an ideal addition to the teaching content.

With pleasure Gabriele Wimmer and Barbara Aschauer accepted the challenge to introduce the altogether 240 pupils of the 14 classes on three mornings into the wonderful world of the sharks. From the preschool classes to the 4th graders, who had successfully completed their cycling test immediately beforehand, all the children participated with great enthusiasm and some brought in a lot of prior knowledge. Even if some children were still afraid of sharks at the beginning, after the presentations this gave way to enthusiasm and everyone is looking forward to their vacation at the sea.

Director Margot Stastny-Braun was very satisfied with the success of the presentations and would like to continue the cooperation with her future students.

The fact that the children also tell their newly acquired knowledge at home with great enthusiasm was clearly demonstrated to lecturer Barbara Aschauer a short time later: a mother approached her at a concert in the neighboring village and handed over another donation.

Hairdressers for the oceans

In the course of the presentations, something else wonderful happened: Bernhard Stastny, who runs the local Hairdressing Salon Stastny, also joined them at the Gföhl elementary school. He presented the two speakers with a large donation.

Marine conservation is a subject close to Bernhard Stastny's heart. He has been a partner salon of Hair helps the Ocean for quite some time. This organization collects hair from hairdressers, fills it into old nylon stockings and uses the whole thing as a filter. Since hair absorbs a particularly large amount of grease, pollutants such as oil, gasoline and suntan lotion residues can be filtered out of oceans, rivers and lakes.

We would also be happy to come to your school!

Our school referents are on the road throughout the D/A/CH area and look forward to hearing from you.

You can do it too?

We are always looking for referents for all age groups from 4-99 in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.


The sharks come back to the spa

Once again this year, Therme Loipersdorf invites us to the children's summer

One of the greatest successes in the history of Sharkprojekt is celebrated in Austria

Almost a year and a half after the parliamentary decision, the import ban on shark products is now coming into force

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