This is what we stand for

Mission statement

We at Sharkproject are now quite a few people from different countries and professional groups, from young to old, who for a variety of reasons work together and volunteer for sharks and marine conservation.

We have recognized scientists, environmentalists and shark conservation experts on board as well as committed individuals who often became convinced shark conservationists through diving, travelling, photography or other experiences and activities.
This mix is what Sharkproject is all about. It helps us to implement our projects efficiently and effectively and to activate and inspire more and more people worldwide for marine and shark conservation.




Our vision

Intact shark populations worldwide.

In our work for Sharkproject, we naturally always want to act sustainably and in an exemplary manner in all areas, to implement our projects professionally and our demands for better shark protection as quickly as possible. Together, we succeed in many things, but by no means in everything - and certainly not the first time. But we learn from mistakes, and we do not give up in the interest of the sharks! This mission statement helps us to do so. It describes those values and ways of acting that unite all people working in our organization worldwide.

This mission statement helps us. It describes those values and ways of acting that unite all the people working in our organization worldwide.

Our mission


We initiate and implement measures to protect sharks and their habitat. We draw attention to abuses and try to eliminate them from the world.


We promote scientific research, projects and initiatives that support the protection of sharks and their habitat: financially, organizationally and ideationally.


We inform the public, educating them about the importance of sharks in a healthy marine habitat and providing clear recommendations for action and behavior.

Our values


Sharkproject's mission statement was jointly developed by members and officers and unanimously adopted at the Sharkproject International General Assembly in February 2021 and revised in August 2021.

The mission statement will be reviewed annually and adapted as necessary.