Herbert Futterknecht
Why is shark conservation or marine conservation important to you?
As the top predator, the shark plays an important role in the balance of the oceans. This is also important for us humans, as we draw almost every 2 breath from the oceans. Without sharks, this would not be possible and humans would deprive themselves of their livelihood. Therefore, it is important to make everyone aware of shark conservation.
Do you have any special skills, experiences or adventures?
- Member of SP since 2010 - took over the country leadership of SPA in 2017. Created new structures and departments to make the association fit for the next years as an NGO.
- There is actually no diving trip that is not about sharks. Be it through lectures on site or photo workshops. I have also accompanied several Sharkproject trips and had the opportunity to inspire many fellow travellers about the shark species. I also give lectures at various events. (Diving clubs, Natural History Museum, etc.).
- Together with my wife I am responsible for the international project "Great White Mystery" off Guadalupe, where we try to preserve the population of great white sharks. I am also an enthusiastic underwater photographer, where it is very important to know the behaviour of sharks and sea creatures.
And which is your favourite shark?
Carcharodon carcharias (lat.)
Großer Weißer Hai (dt.)
Great white shark (engl.)
Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I'm not quite sure about the universe yet.
Albert Einstein