Dieter Hahn


Why is shark protection or marine conservation important to you?

As a top predator, the shark at the top of the food chain ensures the perfect interaction of the entire ecosystem. In the interest of all humans and our future on this earth, we need a functioning, active protection of sharks until everyone has understood that the earth does not need humans, but humanity needs the earth.

Do you have any special skills, experiences or adventures?

  • As a training manager of a diving school, marine biology and understanding of the function and processes in the underwater world are part of every diving training. Of course, everyone should know how our marine ecosystem works and why it is vital for our survival.
  • With a basic knowledge of marine biology, my view underwater expands to such an extent that a visit to Neptune's realm becomes a truly fantastic, unforgettable experience. It reveals to everyone how small humans actually are once they move through this infinity.
  • With all this knowledge, I can make young people in day-care centres and schools, as well as parents and divers, aware of this beautiful world that is worth protecting, and get them involved in protecting the marine ecosystem today and in the future.


And which is your favourite shark?

Sphyrna mokarran (lat.)

Großer Hammerhai (dt.)

Great Hammerhead Shark (engl.)

Man kann viele Probleme haben. Aber nur, wenn man darüber spricht, findet man auch jemand der bei der Lösung hilft.

Dieter Hahn