Sofie Möhrle


Why is shark protection or marine conservation important to you?

Sharks play an extremely important role in healthy ecosystems in our oceans. Unfortunately, many unfounded see them only as cold-blooded killers. Millions of sharks are killed every year and many species cannot recover. Therefore, it is up to us to educate about the importance of sharks and fight together for their protection!


Do you have any special skills, experiences or expertise?

  • Bachelor of Science Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Sciences
  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
    Shark Internship Programme with Pelagios Kakunja in Mexico, 2020


And which is your favourite shark?

Alopias (lat.)

Fuchshai/Drescher (dt.)

Thresher shark (engl.)

Sharks are beautiful animals, and if you're lucky enough to see lots of them, that means that you're in a healthy ocean. You should be afraid if you are in the ocean and don't see sharks.

Sylvia Earle